Essay Course

Applying English Days Program
Adef Silvia
     English Days Program (EDP) is a program that was made by the English lecturer of IAIN Buittinggi in lowering students anxiety in speaking English. Students are expected to apply the EDP in every single day until they can speak English fluently. The making of EDP is considering some reasons. Three reasons in applying English Days Program are : the students have lack of confidence in speaking English, the limited vocabularies that students have, and the students still need more motivation in speaking English.
The first reason why EDP is applied in IAIN Bukittinggi is the students have lack of confidence in speaking English. It can be accepted because the English is not the mother language of the students. The anxiety in speaking English sometimes happens to the students and decrease the their confidence.
The second reason is the limited vocabulries that students have in speaking English. The useful of note book for students can help the students in memorizing the new vocabulary in English. Every new or difficult word that students find in daily conversation, it can be writen in the note book.
The last reason why the EDP made by the lecturer is the students still need more motivation in speaking English. Recently, students just used the standar language in the college and sometime they just used their vernacular language. So it did not encourage students motivation to use English completely.
These three cases became the reasons of the applying English Days Program. The several aspects that are expected to improve by the students are: confidence, vocabulary, and motivation.
By applying EDP, students can be more confidence in speaking English because they will know that speaking English need to do the process. The mistakes that students make in speaking can be decreased when they keep trying to learn
The next, due to students have lack of vocabulary, the EDP can improve students’ vocabulary because students used English everytime. Therefore if they found any difficult word, they can take a note then memorize the word.
The last, by applying EDP can also affect students motivation in speaking English. The people around who also used English can also get students motivation to speak English.
   In conclusion, the program of English days can affect a lot of students skill in speaking English. By applying EDP, students can improve their confidence, vocabulary, and motivation. Although students do the EDP at the college only, at least it can improve students confidence in speaking English.

Overseas and Local Internship
I.                   Introduction
Thesis statement: Overseas and local internship program have the similarities in the activities and the requirements, while the differences can be seen in the language and culture that students have.
II.                Body
A.    The activities and the requirements that must be done by students in overseas or local internship almost the same
1.      Activities (overseas and local internship)
2.      Requirements (overseas and local internship)
B.     The differences of having overseas internship and local internship can be seen from the language and the culture
1.      Language
a.       Overseas internship
b.      Local internship
2.      Culture
a.       Overseas internship
b.      Local internship
III.               Conclussion
In conclusion, the overseas and local internship that must be done by students have the similarities and differences. The similarities of the overseas and local internship are the activities and the requirements that must be fulfilled by the students. Meanwhile, the differences between two of them can be seen from the language that is used by people and the difference  culture that students get in the overseas or local culture.


Name              : Adef Silvia
Reg. Numb     : 2313.109
Class/semester: C/5
Overseas and Local Internship
Internship is one of program that must be taken by the students in the seventh semester. There are two types of internship that can be chosen by the students, they are overseas and local intership. Overseas and local internship program have the similarities in the activities and the requirements, while the differences can be seen in the language and culture.
Basically, the activities and the requirements that will be done by students in overseas or local internship almost the same. In the overseas, students need to teach in various school. For instance elementary, junior and senior high school. Students are also demanded to make an extra class to develop the lesson when they need it. Similar with local internship, students also need to teach in various school. The requirements before taking the intership is also important. Before taking the overseas or local internship, students have to complete the microteaching class, where students are prepared to teach in a school.
Meanwhile, the differences of having overseas internship dan local internship can be seen from the language and the culture. The language that students use in overseas is defenetly different from local language. Students who have internship in overseas need to learn a new language that related to the country they will attend. In contrast with local internship, students do not need to learn any new language. Furthermore, culture is also one of differences between overseas and local internship. Students who take the overseas intership need to do an adjustment to live for several months. While students who take the local internship do not need to do an adjustment, because they already recognise their culture.
In conclusion, the overseas and local internship that must be done by students have the similarities and differences. The similarities of the overseas and local internship are the activities and the requirements that must be fulfilled by the students. Meanwhile, the differences between two of them can be seen from the language that is used by people and the different culture that students get in the overseas or local culture.

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